Drawing the future with one-of-a-kind X-ray technology


Cutting-edge functions that enable precise nano-level analysis

Manipulate function that never miss the aiming observation point.
No matter how you change the magnification, tilt the detector, or rotate the table, you won’t miss the point of interest.

Using the eucentric function, it is possible to take 3D oblique CT images with the detector tilted.

Vertical CT unit :Presto
Using vertical CT, it is possible to obtain accurate vertical cross-sectional images by rotating a sample 360 degrees between the X-ray tube and the detector.
The self-developed software “Jasper” enables comprehensive control and analysis capabilities in a single platform, including manipulator control, X-ray control, 2D imaging, CT calculation, 3D analysis, and measurement.

By implementing a transmission-type X-ray tube, it enables capturing images with ultra-high magnification.